
Til Mungfali Gajak Recipe 

Prep Time: 15 Min

– Sesame seeds – 1 bowl/140 gm – Peanut – 1 bowl/160 gm – Jaggery – 1 bowl/260 gm – Clarified Butter – 1 tsp – Soda – 2 pinch

Cook Time: 15 Min


White Scribbled Underline

To make the perfect Til Moongfali Gajak, place a pan on flame, add 1 cup of sesame seeds, stir continuously, and roast a little. 

Transfer the sesame seeds to a plate after roasting a little. Add peanuts into the pan and roast on low to medium flame. 

After roasting well, transfer the roasted peanuts to a plate and let it cool. Transfer the peanuts to a cloth, rub, and remove the skin. 

Take a grinding jar, separate the 1/4 cup of sesame seeds, add the remaining seeds into the grinding jar, and make a coarse powder. Now, separate the 1//4 cup of peanuts, add the remaining peanuts into the grinding jar, and make a coarse powder. 

Place a pan on flame, add one bowl of crushed jaggery and one tbsp of water, and melt it on low to medium flame. After the jaggery melts, add 1 tsp of ghee, stir continuously, and until bubbles appear. 

After the bubbles appear, drop a few drops of melted jaggery into the cold water and wait for some time. After a few seconds, check the syrup drops; if they turn hard, the syrup is completely ready.

Now add two pinches of baking soda and mix well. Now turn off the flame, add sesame seeds, peanuts powder, 1/2 portion of whole peanuts, 1/2 portion of whole sesame seeds. 

Now turn on the flame and mix everything well. Turn off the flame and transfer the Gajak mixture to a greased board after mixing well.

Now mix the remaining whole peanuts and sesame seeds well. Roll the Gajak with the help of a roller, add cut marks on it, and let it set for some time. 

After some time, separate all the Gajak pieces. Your perfect Til Mungfali Gajak is completely ready, and you can enjoy it.