
Kaju Katli  Recipe

Prep Time: 15 Min

– Cashew Nut – 250 gram – Milk -1/4 Cup – Powder Sugar -200 gram  

Cook Time: 15 Min


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Step 1

To make the perfect Kaju Katli, take 250 grams of cashew and wash it well 2-3 times.

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Step 2

Next step: add clean water and 1/4 cup of milk to the cashew and soak well for 2-3 hours.

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Step 3

After 2-3 hours, remove the excess water, add the soaked cashew to a grinding jar, and make a thick paste.

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Step 4

Next step: transfer the cashew paste to a pan, add 200 grams of sugar powder, and mix well.

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Step 5

Next step: place the pan on flame, cook on low flame until it turns thick, and stir continuously.

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Step 6

After the mixture leaves the pan, take a small portion of the dough and make a ball with it. If the ball doesn’t stick in your hands, this means the barfi mix is perfect.

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Step 7

Next step: transfer the barfi mixture onto a plastic sheet and knead well with the help of the sheet until it turns thick.

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Step 8

After the mix turns thick, roll it to a medium thickness.

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Step 9

Next step: give it a squire shape and let it set for 15 minutes.

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Step 10

Next step: garnish it with a silver leaf and cut the barfi into a diamond shape.

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Step 11

Now your perfect Kaju Katli is completely ready, and you can enjoy it.

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