
Delhi Moonglet Recipe 

Prep Time: 15  Min

– Moong Dal – 1 Cup – Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp – Salt as per Taste – Turmeric Powder – 1/4 tsp – Asafoetida – 2 pinch – Red Chili Powder – 1 tsp – Chopped Capsicum – 4 tbsp – Chopped Carrot – Chopped Onion – Chopped Green Chili

Cook Time: 15 Min


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– Sweet Corn – Rice flour – 2 tbsp – Fruit Salt – Water – Butter – Oil – Red Chili Flake – Chopped Coriander – Beetroot – Butter


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1: To make the perfect Moonglet, take 1 cup of moong dal, wash it well, and soak it for 1 hour.

2: After an hour, drain the water, add the soaked moong dal, 1 inch of ginger, and 2 tsp of moong dal into a grinding jar, and make a fine paste.

3: Transfer the moong dal paste into a bowl, add 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds, salt as per taste, 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder, two pinches of asafoetida, and 1 tsp of red chili powder.

4: Now add 4 tbsp of chopped capsicum, chopped carrot, chopped onion, chopped green chili, and sweet corn. 5: Now add two tablespoons of rice flour and mix everything well. 

6: Now add 1 sachet of fruit salt and a little water and mix well. 7: Place a pan on flame, add a little butter, two drops of oil, and head well. 

8: After the ghee melts, add two ladles full of batter and spread well. 9: Now add red chili flake, chopped coriander, and slit beetroot, and cook for 2 minutes with a closed lid.

10: After 2 minutes, remove the lid, flip the Moonglet, and add cut marks to it like pizza. 11: Add butter on top of it and cook for 1-2 minutes with the lid closed. 

12: After 2 minutes, check the Moonglet, garnish it with chopped coriander, and transfer it to a plate. 13: Now your perfect Delhi Moonglet is completely ready, and you can enjoy it.