
Peanut Coconut Barfi Recipe

Prep Time: 15 Min

– Peanut – 1.5 cup – Desiccated Coconut – 1/2 cup – Cardamom Powder – 1 tsp – Milk Powder – 2 tbsp – Milk – 700 ml – Sugar – 3/4 cup

Cook Time: 15 Min


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Step 1

To make the perfect coconut peanut barfi, place a pan on flame, add 1.5 cups of peanut, and roast for 2 minutes.

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Step 2

After 2 minutes, turn off the flame and transfer the roasted peanuts to a plate. Next step: add 1/2 cup of desiccated coconut to the pan and roast a little.

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Step 3

After roasting a little, turn off the flame and transfer the roasted coconut to a plate. Next step: transfer the roasted peanuts to a towel, rub well, and remove the peanut skin.

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Step 4

Next step: strain the skin with the help of a strainer. Next step: add the peanuts to a grinding jar, grind on a pulse, and make a fine powder.

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Step 5

Next step: take a big bowl, add coconut powder, peanut powder, one teaspoon of cardamom powder, and two tablespoons of milk powder, and mix everything well. Next step: place a pan on flame, add 700 ML of milk, and boil well.

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Step 6

After 2-3 boils, add 3/4 cup of sugar, mix well, and boil. After 1-2 boils, little by little add coconut-peanut powder, mix well, and cook.

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Step 7

After the barfi mix turns thick and leaves the pan, turn off the flame and transfer the barfi mixture into a greased tray. Next step: spread the barfi and let it rest for some time.

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Step 8

After some time, check the barfi, cut it into pieces, and garnish it as per your choice. Now your perfect Coconut Peanut Barfi is completely ready, and you can enjoy it. 

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